Google Business Group (GBG) Peshawar’s annual tech and business conference, BizFest is due to be held on the 15th of December. BizFest 2018 is being organized by Impact Dynamics in collaboration with the National Incubation Center (NIC) Peshawar.

BizFest is a technology and business conference which is supported by Google Inc. The conference aims to bring together industry experts and entrepreneurs from around the country. BizFest is expected to boast a long list of experienced, well-known mentors and speakers, which we’ll discuss later. Without further ado, let’s go over a quick brief of what the event holds:

First and foremost, BizFest will consist of panel discussions about trends in the tech industry and entrepreneurship in today’s world. As mentioned above the panel of experts which are going to be enlightening the participants is extremely diverse and are very likely to give significant benefits to the participants and quite possibly each other as well.
Then come the workshops. Participants will be given a hands-on opportunity to listen to leading individuals in the industry, who will talk about various topics, ranging from Google’s suite of tools of online marketing (including Google Analytics and Google Ads etc.) to growth hacking in modern organizations.

Coming back to the talks about Google’s suite of tools, talks aren’t the only thing that are going to be done: Participants will be taught how to use these tools to their business’ welfare and tips on how to increase the utility gained from these will be given as well. Participants will be able to try and test out the tools in front of experts, who can then and there guide them how they should proceed with the tools’ usage.

To much delight of budding entrepreneurs in the country, the event will have a stall dedicated to Google My Business. Startups can get themselves enlisted in Google’s business “directory”, which can help them in two ways: Customers would be able to find the business and its details (such as location, working hours etc.) much more conveniently and furthermore, the startups’ websites would gain much more chances of appearing on the first page of Google Search Engine Results Page (SERPs), which would effectively mean that their website would get Search Engine Optimized automatically.

Last but not least, before we get to the impressive roster of mentors available, let’s look at what they’ll be doing: Welcome to BizFest’s Mentorship Hours. Entrepreneurs and participants as a whole would get a chance to have 1-on-1 sessions with industry leaders. Not only is this bound to help them increase their knowledge base, it is also likely to have a positive impact on them and their startup from a networking point of view.

So, the mentors include Mr. Raza Matin, who is a Marketing and Business Consultant working with Google, Mr. Murtaza Zaidi, the Director of NIC Peshawar, Mr. Shahbaz Khan, the Managing Director of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB), Ms. Maryam Arshad, the founder and Director of Impact Dynamics and Ms. Faiza Yousuf, the founder of Women in Tech Pakistan etc. Check this video out for the complete roster (if you’re not convinced yet, that is..)

BizFest 2018 will also incorporate sessions and a power-packed panel featuring Women in Tech and sessions across the themes of Digital Literacy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Workplace practices. The conference aims to drive conversations promoting gender equality to benefit the working ecosystem in the country.

Here is a detailed agenda for the event. Click here to register for the event!

TechJuice is proud to announce that we are the Official Media Partners of BizFest 2018.

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